Our Programs Our Programs

We aim to contribute to the well-being of children and support their holistic development.

Suna’s Daughters Well-Being Program

The Suna’s Daughters Well-Being Program is designed with a needs- and interaction-based approach, making it adaptable to various groups. Inspired by the Nonviolent Communication approach, the program helps participating children, over the course of 10 sessions, learn how to express their emotions and needs comfortably, resolve conflicts, and view disagreements as opportunities for learning.

The Suna’s Daughters Well-Being Program is designed to be easily adaptable to different groups, thanks to its needs- and interaction-based structure. Inspired by the Nonviolent Communication approach, the program teaches participating children, over 10 sessions, how to express their emotions and needs comfortably, resolve conflicts, and view disagreements as opportunities for learning. Participants also experience building a circle of life and learning where they respect both their own boundaries and those of others with whom they interact.

Suna’s Daughters Well-Being Program

Workshops involving over 200 children aged 12-18 include pre- and post-tests to measure the program’s impact. The Well-Being Program has achieved meaningful results in challenging areas like empathy and conflict resolution.

  • Introduction & Preparation
  • Listening and Expressing
  • Emotion and Needs Awareness
  • Emotion-Needs Connection
  • Taking Action to Meet Needs
  • Boundaries and Autonomy
  • Conflict Resolution - I
  • Conflict Resolution - II
  • Celebrating Learning
  • Bridging to Further Learning