COMMUNITIES Our Solution and Support Circles
Our Solution and Support Circles

We come together to create a shared impact with shared goals.

As Suna’s Daughters, we believe in the importance of coming together to create shared impact through common goals. With this belief, we embrace the Collective Impact approach, which systematically structures the collaboration of stakeholders.

Within the scope of collective impact efforts, Suna’s Daughters:

  1. Form communities that unite around shared objectives.
  2. Facilitate understanding and consensus on issues and root causes within these communities, and foster connections among activities of public institutions, academia, and civil society to enable holistic interventions and sustainable impact.
  3. Support the development of effective and replicable models that build connections for systemic change.
  4. Establish collaborations for piloting these developed models.
  5. Create spaces for the continuous flow of information, strengthening of relationships, and ensuring that relevant individuals and institutions hear each other for joint initiatives to materialize.
  6. Work towards monitoring, evaluating, and scaling impactful models through shared indicators.

What Are Solution and Support Communities?

Solution and Support Communities are multi-stakeholder groups brought together around a shared agenda to convert a primary strategy into activities and projects by combining diverse expertise and experiences.

The Suna’s Daughters communities consist of 7 to 30 members, varying based on the focus and identified needs of the circle. With a structured collaboration model, the communities aim to meet every two weeks. However, the frequency, timing, and location of meetings are decided by each circle itself.

Guide to Solution and Support Communities