COMMUNITIES Research Support Circle

We work to generate knowledge about the needs of girls and the barriers they face, while developing research methods that empower children.

What Are We Doing?

At the core of the circle's collective impact journey lies the need for data-driven decisions to effectively design services and interventions that support the holistic development of girls. To meet this need, the circle aims to create a digital, map-based platform that is geographic, current, sustainable, multi-layered, crowd-sourced, and focused on child participation. The map aims to support experts, researchers, and practitioners in civil society and public sectors in making data-driven decisions that align with the needs of children in their neighborhoods.

In 2023, the circle selected Istanbul as a pilot region, aiming to present a holistic picture of children’s living conditions by combining statistical data with public services supporting their holistic development. By deepening the layers of the Child-Focused Map for Fatih and Sultangazi districts, the circle not only identified existing service gaps but also pinpointed where underserved groups were located and which services they could not access.

In 2024, the circleplans to complete the child participation module, enabling children to directly evaluate their access to services. Additionally, the Child-Focused Map will be developed for the provinces of Şanlıurfa and Hatay.