Why a girl-centered program?

Despite developments and attainments in the field of education, about 130 million girls still do not go to school. * Various reasons stand in the way for girls to access and complete quality education, such as poverty, increasing school fees, cultural and social factors, child marriages, child labor, household loads and so on. Apart from access to education, gender inequalities in education processes are also barriers making the most of it.

As Suna'nın Kızları, we believe that it is only possible for an ecosystem to enable girls to access education and achieve most attainments is through the participation of children and through girl-centered programming. Throughout their lives, girls (and young women) encounter multiple risks arising from gender inequalities that limit their capabilities in all fields. Factors like poverty, gender inequalities and violence, as well as inequal gender norms about the role of girls in society, deeply affects girls, as it does for all children in the society.

Even though girls –and especially disadvantaged ones– are indicated as the main beneficiaries of the projects and programs, they cannot fully participate or benefit from these, if the process is not inclusive.

Therefore, the girl-centered programming requires the design of spaces, programs and processes that are both physically and mentally safe for all children but notably for girls. Because girls’ ability to succeed will benefit to everyone, especially all children.

What is this girl-centered programming?

Based on children’s safety and participation, girl-centered programming is the process of thinking, designing and implementing how spaces, programs and activities can be developed for girls and with girls. It is implemented to make sure that all girls –including the most disadvantageous ones– can access to spaces, activities and programs, and that these spaces, activities and programs can reach these children.

How do we plan to do this?

With girl-centered programming, we aim to focus on the genuine needs and expectancies of girls, to listen to their demands, to respect their right to participate and to include all targeted children into the programs. Hence, we adopt following components as our principal objectives.

The components of the girl-centered design:

● Creating inclusive and safe spaces for all girls.
● Supporting girls to decide for themselves.
● Supporting girls to use their participation rights.
● Producing fields where girls can use their skills.
● Ensuring a process in which girls can socialize with peers.
● Providing girls with accessible and inspirational role models.
● Supporting circles in their girl-centered designs.

* UNICEF, 2022.
** GPE, 2022.
